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I am a mathematics educator who has taught high school mathematics in California and Colorado.

Currently, I work as a district-level mathematics specialist supporting elementary and secondary educators to strengthen their instructional practices through in classroom coaching, and engaging teams of teachers in cycles of inquiry.

I work with Illustrative Mathematics as a designer of professional learning and curriculum writer of instructional supports for English language learners. I am an IM Certified Facilitator.

I have a PhD in Instruction and Curriculum, and have designed, facilitated, and researched professional learning experiences for K–12 teachers through various university projects, NSF-funded grants, and K–12 district initiatives.

Through my work at the Center of Mathematics Education of Latinos/as, my enjoyment for promoting students’ mathematical language grew.

My appreciation for the value of interdisciplinary connections of STEM ped develop and teach in a new secondary math/science teacher education program called CU Teach.

Outside of my professional work, I spend quality time with my family gardening, bee keeping, and playing baseball.

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